Damian Tracy Freeman

Damian Tracy Freeman

Damian Tracy Freeman graduated as a Gemologist and mining Engineer from the Gemological Institute of America NewYork and California, having spent time in deep-level gold and platinum mines. Mr Freeman worked as a project financier for Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt and London, specializing in independent projects and public–private partnerships.

Damian T. Freeman established Freemans GemLab in 2000.  Under his astute guidance Freemans GemLab has evolved into a modern multinational that operates to world-class standards with state-of-the-art infrastructure. His leadership has enabled the company to innovate and expand into numerous markets and achieve global growth and recognition.

Damian T. Freeman has built a company that is inspired by life and humanity, which places the highest value on trust, integrity, ethics and corporate responsibility.  As chairman,  he steers the company and enlightens and inspires our team worldwide with his insights, experience and acumen.

